Lima-Paracas-Nazca-Arequipa – Puno – Cusco


Day 01: Arrival in Peru
Upon arrival to the city of Lima you will have assistance from our staff, who will take you to your hotel and explain your itinerary in detail

Day 02: Lima - City Tour - Paracas
Breakfast at the hotel, at 08:30 am we will start our city tour in the city of Lima, visit the best known attractions such as Plaza San Martín, Lima's main square, Government Palace, Cathedral Basilica, Archbishop's Palace, Municipal Palace, Convent and Church of San Francisco and its Catacombs. In the afternoon we will board the bus that will take us to Paracas, a trip that will take approximately 3 hours. Transfer to hotel and overnight.

Day 03: Ballestas Islands - Nazca
Breakfast at the hotel, at 08:00 am we begin the tour in the Ballestas Islands, where we will enjoy the marine fauna and different types of birds, on the way we will have the opportunity to appreciate a famous geoglyph of the area called "El Candelabro" Which measures approximately 180 meters long and has an antiquity of 2500 years .. After the tour we will make a short trip of two hours to Nazca place where we will spend the night

Day 04: Nazca Lines - Aqueducts and Paredones - Arequipa
Breakfast at the hotel, then we will go to the place where the Nazca Lines are located, composed of several hundred figures ranging from simple designs such as lines to complex zoomorphic, phytomorphic and geometric figures that appear on the Earth's surface to To be able to appreciate them better we will realize the overflight in a plane for average of 1 hour. Continuing with the trip we will visit the Aqueducts of Cantalloc which form a total of 46, of which, 32 are still in good condition, but only some are used until today. At each stage, attention is drawn to the presence of circular and staggered openings, called "eyes", which were used to maintain the network. Near the aqueducts we will see the famous Paredones site that was characterized by being a center of administrative control between coast and sierra during the period of the Inca Tupac Yupanqui, approximately between the years 1471-1493 d.C. We return
to the city of Nazca and then we leave to the city of Arequipa, trip that takes approximately 10 hours. Night and dinner on board.

Day 05: Arequipa City Tour
In the morning we will start the countryside tour around the city of Arequipa, we will board a panoramic bus that will take us to visit the main square, Carmen Alto’s look at point, Yanahuara’s look at point and Square, INCALPACA OUTLET and zoo, Sachaca district, Tingo Park, via Landscaper, the Founder's Mansion, the Mill of Sabandía and the Andery of Paucarpata. Lunch of typical Arequipa food. Return to the center of the city, in the afternoon we will visit the Monastery of Santa Catalina. Dinner and Overnight.

Day 06: Colca Canyon - Hot Springs "La Calera" - Folk Show Dinner
Breakfast at the hotel and at 8:00 am we start our trip to the Colca Canyon, on the way we will visit the National Reserve of Salinas and Aguada Blanca (4200 masl), which is a natural habitat for vicuñas, we will reach Vizcachani (4200 Msnm) where we can taste Mate de Coca which will help us to minimize the annoyances associated with height. In the route we will also visit the bofedales of Tocjra (4400 masl), which house birds like flamingos and Andean camelids domesticated as llamas and alpacas. Then arriving at the highest point of the Patapampa route (4600 masl) also called the Mirador de los Volcanes, from where you have a spectacular view of the volcanic mountain range of the South, Colca and Chila. Then we will descend to the village of Chivay (3550 masl). Lunch buffet and accommodation in the hotel. During the afternoon we will visit the thermal baths of "La Calera" whose waters are characterized by being medicinal. In the evening we will enjoy a delicious dinner accompanied by a typical folkloric show of the place. Overnight.

Day 07: Cruz del Condor- Villages - Puno
Breakfast in the hotel very early in the morning and departure to the Cruz del Cóndor (3700 masl), where we will stay approximately two hours. In the place you will appreciate the depth of the canyon and the famous flight of the Condor. We will return to the village of Chivay and on the way we will visit the viewpoints of Antahuilque and Choquetico. Lunch. After lunch we will have a brief moment to rest and start the trip to the city of Puno, arriving at approximately 06:30 pm. Dinner and Overnight.

Day 08: Uros Islands - Amantani
Breakfast at the hotel. At 8:00 am we will start our tour to Lake Titicaca, we will first go to the port where we will take the boat that will take us to know the Uros Islands, built on the same totora reeds that favor the balance of the ecosystem and the habitat of the wild bird populations that inhabit the lake. On the way we will visit Amantaní Island, where we will be able to share their
customs and traditions, we will also have a special lunch, it will be in this island where we will spend the night.

Day 09: Taquile
Breakfast and start of the tour, the navigation will take about 1 hour. The inhabitants of Taquile have demonstrated their high degree of progress in Textile, receiving a prize by UNESCO. It should be noted that spinning and weaving are mainly done by men, starting at the age of eight. The visit will be an average of 2 hours, then we can taste a delicious typical lunch; You will also have the opportunity to share experiences with local people. We will return to the city of Puno approximately at 05:00 pm. Then we will take the bus that will take us to the city of Cusco, a journey that will take approximately 8 hours. Dinner on board.

Day 10: Qoricancha Tour - Sacsayhuaman Circuit
Arrival to the city of Cusco around 06:30 am. Transfer from the Cusco bus station to the hotel. Breakfast. At 12 m pick up from the hotel to start the City Tour in which we will visit the temple of Qoricancha and the archaeological remains adjacent to the city of Cusco: Tambomachay, which is an archaeological site possibly dedicated to the worship of water and used by the Inca as a place of rest; Puca pucara, used as a military fortress; Kenko, in the period of the Inca Empire was used to carry out fertility rituals and are of particular interest its amphitheater and its subterranean galleries; Finally we will visit Sacsayhuaman, which is believed to be a military fortress, which in turn served ritual effects. Dinner and Overnight.

Day 11: Sacred Valley Of The Incas
Breakfast at the hotel and pick up at 8:00 am to make the tour to the Sacred Valley, during the tour we will visit some viewpoints, visit the Inca Archaeological Center of Pisac and its colonial town where you can get carved mates, ceramics, hats Straw, alpaca textiles, musical instruments, paintings, antiques, and jewelry. We will continue the route to Urubamba, where we will taste a buffet lunch with typical food of the region; We will also visit the fortress and colonial town of Ollantaytambo which served for military and religious purposes during the Inca period, strategically located to dominate the Sacred Valley of the Incas; Then we will board the train in the Expedition service which will take us to the town of Aguas Calientes, where we will dine and spend the night for the next day to visit the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu. Dinner and Overnight.

Day 12: Machu Picchu (only citadel)
Breakfast at the hostel then we will board the bus that will take us to the citadel of Machupicchu, trip that will take approximately 30 minutes, here we will have a guided tour of 3 hours, Machu Picchu is an Inca city surrounded by temples, platforms and water channels. Its construction was built with large blocks of stone joined together, without the use of amalgam.

Day 13: Maras - Moray - Lima
Breakfast at the hotel and beginning of the tour to the salt mines of Maras, Maras was an important village during the viceroyalty, it was the main salt supplier of the southern mountain range. Then we will visit the agronomic laboratory of Moray, a place that was possibly an Inca agricultural research center where crop experiments were carried out at different heights. Lunch. Afternoon free for shopping. Dinner and Overnight.

Day 14: Cusco - Lima
Breakfast at the hotel and transfer to the airport to board the return flight to the city of Lima. At Jorge Chávez International Airport our passengers will wait for their flight to depart

     Transportation in all mentioned places
o    01 national flight
§  Cusco – Lima
o    04 Transfers Bed Bus:
§  Lima – Paracas
§  Paracas – Nazca
§  Nazca - Arequipa
§  Puno – Cusco
o    02 Transfers by tourist train Expedition service (to visit citadel of Machu Picchu)
§  Ollantaytambo – Aguas Calientes
§  Aguas Calientes – Ollantaytambo
o    Transfer by tourist bus
§  Aguas Calientes – Machu Picchu
§  Machu Picchu - Machu Picchu
o    Transfer In / out
Lima Airport - Hotel - Lima Airport
Transfer Paracas Bus Station - Hotel - Paracas Bus Station
Transfer Nazca Bus Station - Hotel - Nazca Bus Station
Arequipa Bus Station - Hotel – Arequipa Bus Station
Transfer Hotel Puno – Puno Port
Transfer Puno Port - Puno Bus Station
Transfer Cusco Bus Station – Hotel Cusco
Transfer Cusco Train Station - Hotel Cusco (after visiting the citadel of Machu Picchu)
o    Transfer Hotel Cusco - Airport of Cusco
Ø  Complete Food
o   14 Tourist Lunches
o   14 Tourist dinners
o   13 Tourist breakfasts
Ø  Accommodation:
o    01 night in Lima: Hotel José Antonio
o    01 night in Paracas:
o    01 night in Nazca: Casa Andina
o    03 nights in Arequipa: Hotel Majestad
o    01 night in Chivay: Hotel Inkari
o    01 night in Puno: Hotel Conde de Lemos
o    03 nights in Cusco: Hotel Villa Mayor
o    01 night in Aguas Calientes: Hostel
o    02 nights on board in bed Bus

Ø  Professional Tour Guide during the 14-day Tour
Ø  Tickets to all mentioned places
o    Ticket to the Paracas National Reserve
o    Ticket to the aqueducts of Nazca and Paredones
o    Ticket to the Mill of Sabandía (Arequipa)
o    Ticket to the Monastery of Santa Catalina (Arequipa)
o    Ticket to the Valley and Colca Canyon (Caylloma - Arequipa)
o    Ticket to the Floating Islands (Puno)
o    Ticket to the Temple of Qoricancha (Cusco)
o    Ticket to the Inca Temple of Tambomachay (Cusco)
o    Ticket to the Inca fortress of Puca - Pucara (Cusco)
o    Ticket to the Main temple and Sacsayhuaman Fortress (Cusco)
o    Ticket to the Inca citadel of Pisac - Sacred Valley of the Incas (Cusco)
o    Ticket to the Inca fortress of Ollantaytambo - Sacred Valley of the Incas (Cusco)
o    Ticket to the citadel of Machu Picchu (visit only includes citadel) (Cusco)
o    Ticket to the Inca agricultural complex of Moray (Cusco)
o    Ticket to the Incas salt flats of Maras (Cusco)
Ø  Tours
o    City Tour in Lima
o    Tour in the Paracas National Reserve (boat)
o    Tour to the aqueducts and walls of Nazca
o    Overflight to the lines of Nazca (airplane)
o    Tour campiña (Arequipa)
o    City Tour in Arequipa
o    Visit to the Monastery of Santa Catalina (Arequipa)
o    Visit to the Valley and Colca Canyon (Caylloma - Arequipa)
o    Tour to the Floating Islands of the Uros, Amantani in Lake Titicaca (Puno)
o    Visit to the Inca temple of Qoricancha
o    Visit to the circuit: Tambomachay - Puca Pucara - Kenko - Sacsayhuaman
o    Visit to the colonial town and Inca citadel of Pisac
o    Visit to the colonial town and Inca citadel of Ollantaytambo
o    Visit to the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu
o    Visit to the Inca agricultural laboratory of Moray
o    Visit to the Incas salt flats of Maras

Ø  International air ticket
Ø  Drinks (except those accompanying the tourist menu)
Ø  Food not specified
Ø  Extra purchases
Ø  Tips
Ø  Tips



José Antonio
3 star
3 star
Casa Andina
3 star

4 star
Inkari Eco Lodge
3 star
Conde De Lemos
3 star
Villa Mayor
3 star
Inka Tower
3 star